Why the Blog & Why the Name

With the onset of the new year, I decided to finally pursue something I have been wanting to try for a long time now. Ever since I can remember, I have always loved to write. I think there is something so beautiful about the power of words and how much can be expressed with the use of 26 letters. It has always been somewhat of an escape for me. For about eight years now, I have dealt with the inescapable and excruciating pain of anxiety and depression. That’s a vulnerable statement for me, but I love to share my story if it means helping others. I think there is a beauty in how my story can be of impact to others, and that is one of the many reasons I decided to stop wasting time and decided to start this blog. 

At first glance, my name “Someday You Will” might seem a little confusing. Believe it or not, it has a lot of meaning to me and I hope it proves to have a similar influence on you. My favorite verse of all time is John 13:7, which states, “Jesus replied, ‘You do not understand what I am doing, but someday you will” (NLT). For being such a short verse, there is a lot to unpack. Us as mortal beings do not have all of the answers right now, and that is okay. In fact, more times than not, I feel lost in the fact that I have little to no answers about the future. However, I know I can rest in the promise that he is working. I think it is so cool that Jesus says “what I’m doing” in this verse, because it implies he is constantly working for our good. Through my mental health struggles, He is constantly working to redeem those struggles for my good. Wow. And not only can we be comforted by the fact that he is working, we can have peace hearing his simple yet profound promise “Someday You Will ”. 

While I was considering what to call my blog, I had thousands of ideas. I used name generators, asked my family for help, and did just about anything to think of something. Eventually, my mom suggested a Bible verse to inspire a name. This immediately stuck with me, and I decided to look at some of my favorite verses. When this verse came to mind, God laid the name “Someday You Will” on my heart, and I could not stop thinking about this one. It was meant to be. But what does this verse mean to me personally and to my blog? This verse assures me that I do not have to have all the answers. In fact, I won’t. We live in a temporary earth that is not meant to last forever. 

In this blog, I will take you through my life journey, the thoughts that rule my mind, and the way in which I cope with life’s most difficult questions. Though I cannot provide clear cut answers, I can provide the beginning of peace, assurance, and the hope that we get to have because of Christ’s great sacrifice.

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