it’s only for a time

“It’s only for a time.” That’s what I keep hearing from so many people around me, and it’s true. But at the same time, it is so hard to understand, and there is so much to unpack from it. If our suffering is only for a time, what do we do with the current season we are in? This is the ultimate struggle. For me, I cannot help but wonder where God is taking me. I’ve been crying out to God “why” in wonder of why he has allowed me to struggle so much recently. It can seem like it is one thing after another, like God is against you in every way. Why is he allowing me to struggle? I don’t always have the answers. But what I have taken comfort in is the fact that he catches all of my tears and invites me into His loving arms time and time again. 

If I’ve learned anything recently, it’s that it is okay to feel. It’s okay to cry over someone you never dated. It’s okay to feel hurt from your friends. It’s okay to mourn your past life that isn’t there anymore. It’s okay to be frustrated about that test. But along with your feelings, God is calling you to come to Him in lament. Being honest with God is a comfort that is refreshing beyond words, for his yoke is easy and his burden is light. God knows your heart, so why hide from Him? He wants to know you on an intimate level, and that includes approaching his throne with pure honesty.

If you feel like you are in a dark time and feeling like the drought will never end, I get it and I’m right there. But remember that it is only for a time, and that you will find yourself again. And honestly I’m preaching that to myself too. Right now, I’m focusing on my own rest, my own mental health, and my own growth. My current season is full of plenty of darkness, but staying in that is a lie. I do not have to stay there. My feelings are not always truth, but rather they are full of lies coming from the devil himself. His goal is to get you to stay in a dark place and forget the root of all of your hope. Rest your mind, rest your heart, and fine comfort in the one who truly satisfies.

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